The Wise Mind – Excerpt

December 10, 2007 at 5:51 pm | Posted in Hypnotherapy, Introduction/General | 1 Comment

Chapter One
The Fascinating Truth about the Wise Mind

You are a being of true magnificence and power, and you can resolve and transform the challenges of your life through the brilliance of your own Wise Mind. You can move from the illusion of darkness to the reality of light, from your limited self to your essence. Through your Wise Mind and the amazing process of transformation, you can set yourself free.

In this book you’ll learn how to access your Wise Mind and its revelations. You’ll learn the Wise Mind Process, an original and astoundingly simple yet powerful way to resolve your challenges moment by moment. The process is filled with enlightenment and power. You’ll learn ways to transform your life so that you can operate on the highest levels.

Through this altered perception, you can handle fears and negative thoughts, relationships, sadness, anger, stress, losses, self-deprecation—everything that you perceive to limit you—and you can experience huge shifts in wellbeing, health, work, relationships, and spiritual growth. You’ll learn specific ways to release obstacles so that you can experience love, wisdom, compassion, and peace and find new knowledge and spiritual wisdom.

You Don’t Have to Spend Years Working Things Out
Everyone in one way or another is looking for a way to overcome the challenges of being human. Almost everyone subscribes to realities of limitation, be it pain in your body, economic or relationship challenges, or old traumas or abuses. Whatever you may perceive, everything in your life presents an opportunity. All of it contains the seeds of dynamic transformation. It means that you don’t have to spend years working things out. Through the power of your Wise Mind, you can make dynamic shifts to lift yourself into new ways of being. You can step into advanced levels of your life.

What if you could expand your awareness so beautifully that you might even perceive that you made everything up? You as universal consciousness have creative power. When you step into an expanded understanding, you may see that there is a reality far more potent than your old perceptions of your life. This potent reality is the expanded recognition of your magnificence, love, and power. From this vantage point, what you tell yourself about “what happened to you” is not necessarily the highest truth.

The Wise Mind Presents Itself
The Wise Mind has brilliant transformational power. If you ask the question, “What would my Wise Mind tell me about this?” you can open the door to great revelations and shifts in every part of life.

I regularly ask people, “What would your Wise Mind tell you about that?” Their answers are often fascinating. People from all walks of life and of all ages bring forth wisdom about their life situations that help them to shift their habits, succeed in their careers, remove old blockages, transform their relationships, and dissolve their anger and fear.

What Exactly Is the Wise Mind?
In essence, the Wise Mind is the eternal wisdom of your soul, a part of the infinite wisdom of the Universe. It is the part of you that knows. My eighty-four year old Aunt Phyllis said to me, “I know what the Wise Mind is. My Wise Mind is God sending me my right thoughts.” She is listening more and more to these messages, and true transformation is taking place in her life.

We travel far and wide to find answers. We visit shamans and shrines, teachers and sages, and yet we have in the inner terrain of consciousness a vast network of truth, a universal system that exists as a microcosm within us ready to let us know what is the greatest path to follow, the wisest ways to look at our lives, and the most effective ways to transform ourselves. Not that there is anything wrong with visiting outer sources. This is often important and necessary. Yet there is a place of truth and knowing in the inner depths of being that we can’t deny.

The Wise Mind is brilliant, but not in the same way as the intellect. The Wise Mind is brilliant because its wisdom transcends ordinary awareness and shines like a million stars. It is all-knowing divine energy, alive in us since the beginning of time.

The Wise Mind, also called the superconscious state, is a natural part of the self, as natural as love, and when we come into contact with it, we are given a tool that shifts the very core of our life. It’s the crown jewel of states of consciousness, and it is the remedy for all the issues and difficulties of life. The Wise Mind, along with its brothers and sisters, love, peace, light, forgiveness, bliss, healing, and enlightenment, are all forms of divine experience. When we work with the Wise Mind, we tap in to the vast pool of the superconscious system of the Universe, our innate resource for becoming enlightened and transformed.

The Wise Mind
By Marilyn Gordon (

Welcome to Hypno-Freedom’s blog

September 22, 2006 at 11:09 pm | Posted in Introduction/General | 2 Comments is a website dedicated to helping people experience their own true power. All of us have tremendous power and potential, and it’s up to each individual to bring this power to the surface. Each one of us can create even more abundance and fulfillment in our lives than is already manifest. We do it by focusing our attention on the positive—the things that we DO want in our lives. This focusing, or attitude, happens by way of repetition. What is repeated in our lives over and over again, every day, is what we will subconsciously align ourselves.

Through quick, powerful, and positive hypno-sessions, Hypno-Freedom brings positive, powerful freedom to anyone who wants to improve their life. We are dedicated to showing everyone on earth just how spectacular they are, and together, we can create a world of peace, abundance, and regeneration.

So far, we have created sessions for stress and anxiety release, pain release, and a session dedicated to building your abundance (relating to money and fulfillment). Each session takes only 15 to 20 minutes out of your day, and is well worth it for the long-term benefits they give.

Our main focus is on stress relief because this is a widespread ailment in today’s world. We are bombarded by electro-magnetic pollution, too much unhealthy food, drugs, alcohol, not to mention personal stress like money problems, work problems, and relationship problems. We are dedicated to offering solutions to everyday stress as well as traumatic stress.

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