Questioning The Cosmos Within

August 28, 2007 at 6:24 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

Yes you. It is in you. A quote from William Blake…”To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour”.

Yes it is in you. I refer to the answers to the questions that are particular to your unique personal experience here and now. We have come here to be in alignment with the source principle in our hearts. For so many of us however we find ourselves awakening to the realization that we have been taught by parents and this culture to forget the way we feel and yield our creative and powerful inner truth to a society that wants us to “behave”.

Fortunately the call of source energy within you and me is too powerful to go unnoticed though many try. I can help you now by communicating over time and cyberspace as I sit comfortably in this powerful center and remind you that you are loved. You are loved by you and are part of this amazing eternal unfolding. Eventually you will come to know yourselves now as omniscient. In each moment the answers to the questions important to us are present. Quiet the mind and allow the soul to speak.

It is easy to quiet the mind. In fact your mind will cease thoughtful chatter each night when you fall into a restful state of peaceful sleep. I am here to remind you what may have been forgetting. And as it is of great importance to teach that which we most need to learn I ask that you do as I have done; do your best to remind someone you love how important they are to this glorious unfolding.

We can do no wrong for in this delicious reality we are existent primarily because of the beautiful flow of source energy and this source is only love and light. If we take the analogy of this life as a moving river one can argue that indeed we have the choice to swim upstream and many try. If trying is a vain attempt to swim against the current then allowing is to stop paddling upstream and go with the flow; and conscious co-creating is paddling with the underlying one current of love.

Trust me when I say that walking on water is a personal and emotional affair. Walking in this life always in the flow of underlying bliss and love in spite of external fleeting circumstances is to be above thought like a king or queen on high viewing life below in love and compassion.

Walking on water (ie commanding your emotions) is easier and easier. Relax, breathe deeply, take this gift we give you and wake up and by all means tell as many people as possible. Now is the time, tomorrow never comes. You are ever free to choose your principle vibration through your emotions. Relax and allow peace, health, abundance your very dreams to come true through your divine non-resistance. And please remind me if I temporarily forget that I too am eternal source energy expressing my unique self through this physical body as you are.

Love long and prosper,

Shawn of

Copyright 2007. If you would like to reproduce the content contained in this article, please reference:

Allowing Prosperity

August 21, 2007 at 5:08 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

“Shallow men believe in luck, believe in circumstances: it was somebody’s name, or he happened to be there at the time, or it was so then, and another day it would have been otherwise. Strong men/women believe in cause and effect”.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

What was he saying here? Allowing prosperity means making no excuses. Allowing abundance to flow to you means getting out of your own way and becoming inspired to take action. Preparation is the cause and the effect is abundance. Knowing you are an able and powerful co-creator it is easy to allow abundance to flow. You know that luck favors the prepared and you are fully prepared to answer the questions, make the connections and close the deals. You know you are capable because it is your birth right to live this life in abundance.

Make the choice to succeed and all the steps to your goal shall be inspired. Allow yourself to be alright exactly where you are and in this allowing your path will lay itself out before you. Action will be easy because it is inspired. The most important aspect of co-creation is inspiration. Do what you love to do along your path to abundance and the road will pave itself as you go. Living each day by stating your goal to the universe and then taking inspired action is the recipe for success and prosperity.

Wake up and do what feels good. Hold the thought of  your goal in mind for a minute or two. Doing so will then reveal what inspired steps to take to achieve this goal. It is of utmost importance to set your goal each morning. Set a goal that you know to be attainable for the time period you have set aside. Setting this goal in your mind will act as a team who prepaves all the necessary action that you should take on the way to successful fruition of your beautiful goal.

We are powerful because we feel. Take the opportunity to feel great and the path is all easy and downhill. And if you are the type who believes that we must struggle and work hard to achieve our birth right then great…we will meet you at the top with open arms. But please don’t work too hard because this party is just too fun to enjoy without you.

You are loved by more than you know…here is trust, here is faith, here is your human family all working for your success.

Live long and prosper,

Shawn of

Copyright 2007. If you would like to reproduce the content contained in this article, please reference:

You Are Your Feelings

July 10, 2007 at 4:56 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

The inspiration from within creates our world without. When we offer the best vibration possible in each moment our world becomes like clay in the hands of a skilled sculptor. Amazingly enough there are few of us who take responsibility for our vibrational offerings. Perhaps in this culture we value thought above all else even when the thoughts are the very things making us feel bad.

You are not your thought. We create a new world for ourselves daily through our vibrational offerings. Unfortunately the world we create is the same day in and day out. In this time and space reality there is no yesterday and the new world we create is only as good as our ability to seek new thoughts and allow the world to be without getting stuck in habitual patterns of thought and action. As a people we have become accustomed to moving collectively with our thoughts like a school of frightened fish.  We think about the same thoughts every day in mundane lethargy that feels listless and safe. In this state of pseudo safety we unknowingly invite our decline. What is not growing is declining.  The key to a new and better world comes from those who access new thoughts and ideas in a conscious and systematic manner. Generally speaking these conscious few are the titans of spirituality, business, society and politics while the rest cruise along in the frightened school looking only to mate before they are eaten.

You are your feelings. We are electro-emotional beings ever offering a vibration called free will. Our will is how we create our reality. Our free will is made possible by the force created by our feelings and is essentially our interaction with the law of attraction. The ability to focus is due to our will power; our thought and feeling create our focus and what we focus upon gives the law of attraction forward momentum. The ability to create successfully depends on the strength created by feelings. The arrival of our manifestations is accelerated by feelings closer to the joyful end of the emotional scale.  Choosing the best feeling thought within our reach in each moment yields better feelings.  Feelings are the key to powerfully altering the course of your life.

Often we perceive that we are getting less than what we want in this life. Mainly this is due to a negative focus upon circumstances we hope to avoid. All the while we forget that we get what we focus on. When we allow the world to be without labeling and stereotypes and focused avoidance and opt to release resistance we begin to move forward again out of decline and into a place of empowered creation. The overall movement of this universe is toward love and health. There is no source of suffering but that which we create by our very ill feeling thought. Remember how to feel great by letting go of the need to control circumstance and go with the flow.

Somewhere along our growth, this young nation became rather enthusiastic in naming and blaming others and external circumstances for what is wrong with our lives. Very few of us choose from a deep place of power and connection to source the life we truly want to live. Dwelling consciously in the heart’s well of peace which we all have access to we become conscious co-creators choosing constantly the thoughts and vibrational offerings that FEEL best. When we ask it is always given.  What an amazing world we create when we choose first to feel good and then think!

Ring Your Bells

June 28, 2007 at 11:03 pm | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

Where do we begin when we stand alone on this knife-edge of creation if what we want is to reach down and help others to “see the light”? No matter the endeavor, when one stands at the forefront of thought, the crowd is a small one. So what can one do to include as many humans as possible in our journey to health, abundance, happiness or sales? The answer is as simple as acting from a place that pleases you the most.

To be successful while at the forefront of this collective consciousness one must (in order to attract the masses along for the ride) be as joyous as possible. This joy must by all means be genuine and not contrived. The very energy of the joy one brings to a new thought or set of ideas etc. is the only thing that can move the masses past conformity and toward spiritual independence.

Have you noticed all the mediocre books, movies and popular movements that are simply watered down samplings of something greater and more comprehensive? When an individual becomes completely aligned with his/her true self, the universe reveals secrets that only this individual can understand. Try as they might to bring this truth to a medium that they hope will be the next popular movement, it is often an arduous task. From this leading edge of thought it is nearly impossible to create a place of access to the new truth with the desire to include as many as possible. In other words, the moment the masses are addressed there is a “dumbing down” of the information. It is next to impossible to render a truth with all it’s clarity and pure energy in a way that everyone it is exposed to gets the first time. It is always the case that if the truth or pure thought is proffered to the public that some will get it, some will rebel against it and some will ignore it.

The best way to honor oneself in the endeavor of bringing new thoughts and ideas to a grounded and tangible state is to remain open and in the joyous feeling that made the new idea accessible in the first place. In short we must forget about attempting to force feed the new ideas to the masses and simply allow those who are ready to be guided to the idea.

Allowing this natural expansion toward truth and peace and love keeps us centered and flowing. Allowing others to express their free will in time yields some wonderful awakening. The signposts that you have left, the flowers at the feet of the seekers will make the path to enlightenment and joy easier and easier for our friends, brothers, sisters and children.

Love long and prosper.

Shawn of

Ring Your Bells

June 28, 2007 at 11:02 pm | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

Where do we begin when we stand alone on this knife-edge of creation if what we want is to reach down and help others to “see the light”? No matter the endeavor, when one stands at the forefront of thought, the crowd is a small one. So what can one do to include as many humans as possible in our journey to health, abundance, happiness or sales? The answer is as simple as acting from a place that pleases you the most.

To be successful while at the forefront of this collective consciousness one must (in order to attract the masses along for the ride) be as joyous as possible. This joy must by all means be genuine and not contrived. The very energy of the joy one brings to a new thought or set of ideas etc. is the only thing that can move the masses past conformity and toward spiritual independence.

Have you noticed all the mediocre books, movies and popular movements that are simply watered down samplings of something greater and more comprehensive? When an individual becomes completely aligned with his/her true self, the universe reveals secrets that only this individual can understand. Try as they might to bring this truth to a medium that they hope will be the next popular movement, it is often an arduous task. From this leading edge of thought it is nearly impossible to create a place of access to the new truth with the desire to include as many as possible. In other words, the moment the masses are addressed there is a “dumbing down” of the information. It is next to impossible to render a truth with all it’s clarity and pure energy in a way that everyone it is exposed to gets the first time. It is always the case that if the truth or pure thought is proffered to the public that some will get it, some will rebel against it and some will ignore it.

The best way to honor oneself in the endeavor of bringing new thoughts and ideas to a grounded and tangible state is to remain open and in the joyous feeling that made the new idea accessible in the first place. In short we must forget about attempting to force feed the new ideas to the masses and simply allow those who are ready to be guided to the idea.

Allowing this natural expansion toward truth and peace and love keeps us centered and flowing. Allowing others to express their free will in time yields some wonderful awakening. The signposts that you have left, the flowers at the feet of the seekers will make the path to enlightenment and joy easier and easier for our friends, brothers, sisters and children.

Love long and prosper.

Shawn of

Open To Your Flow

June 9, 2007 at 7:57 pm | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

From your broader non-physical perspective you are perfect. The love that is you is all you need to become grounded within health and abundant well being. At your very heart you know that you have within you all you need to live the life that your dreams are helping you to be. The powerful individual you came here to be is the future you perfectly aligned with your non-physical self. You are source energy grounded in this physical reality.

So what does that mean? It means that no matter what decision you make in life,  you will always be on target, and in your flow. Even when you judge yourself, and believe that you have made a “wrong” decision, you are still in your flow. You can change your mind at any time and re-direct yourself to something else and you are still in your flow.

But what if, you ask, you cannot feel your connection? What if you only feel that you are “wrong” and you can’t feel the flow at all? You are still in your flow, you just aren’t open to the connection. You can be in the most beautiful place on earth and not look at it if you so choose. The thing you are looking for can be right in front of your face and you don’t see it at all. That’s how it is with your flow when you are not open to it. The choice is ALWAYS yours to make.

So how do you open to your flow? The easiest way is to stop doing whatever it is you are doing that is making you feel bad. Usually, it’s that you are thinking very negative thoughts, mostly about yourself. Stop the bad thoughts, realize you are a magnificent part of creation and that you don’t really want to feel bad; you want to feel good! So what’s a thought that makes you feel good, or at least better than you felt before?

It will always be the next vibration up in scale. For instance, if you were in depression, you might go to anger, and that will feel better than depression, because anger has power in it. Then, from anger, you can go to feeling hope about  your situation, and begin looking toward what good things you do want for yourself. Little by little you can get to the other side of the chasm between where you are and where you want to be. Soon, those chasms will be smaller and smaller, and your journey will be more and more joyous!

Stay grounded and moving toward your dreams…the dream of the real you.

Shawn for Hypno-Freedom

Your Trusted Higher Self

March 5, 2007 at 6:21 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

How is it that so many of us have been denied our power for so long? Many of you do not even know what I am referring to as it has been so long since we were fully connected. Many more of you know something is missing or so says the whisper of the little voice inside your head. We started out enlightened and then moved quickly into ignorance or so the story goes. We worked together as one tribe and knew to survive we must stick together. Where did those enlightened and cooperative times go?

There was a time just a few short years from now in which you are enlightened. Can you see it out there in your soul’s timeline? You see every action of this universe occurs in a spiraling cone made of straight lines and circles. Every concentric pulse is divine masculine and feminine. What we refer to when we speak of yin and yang balance is this ebb and ever widening flow of our expanding universal self. We enter now a time when all secrets are revealed and a choice is before each and everyone.

It is now the time for a peace and openness unparalleled. Throughout history we know of pockets of awakened beings working together for the betterment of all. In many countries the light workers were disguised as religious, outcasts, witches. However, the light comes through so many of us that the time of darkness we have witnessed in the last few centuries is now illuminated by the very light we bring. We have focused on the woe and now the inevitable choice is a 180 degree turn to peace and love in a real and completely tangible way.

Many tears will be shed as the old ways diminish. Like a thorn pulled from ones’ side; it will only hurt a moment longer. Let that inner voice of yours get louder. Thoughts are not who you are. You are that voice clear and true. It is now the time for the power to flow back into the collective of all humanity. The time for hiding secrets is over. No longer will our awakening be of single isolated incidences. No longer will we be looked upon who bring the light as martyrs or with misunderstanding. We are experiencing more fully the purpose for this human quest.

What is the purpose of pain and suffering many of you still ask. We could spend many life times yet attempting to define our quest through logic or we could right now end the vain questions. Right now you must realize that the point of this human game is to know that we are gods and goddesses. Yes it is true. What does a god/goddess do you ask? We create. Creation requires energy and focus. We can see in nature that as life wains death and decay ensues. We are here to understand that we are the point. We are life itself. We are the light and the force that transcends a lifeless dark universe. We are stars. We are the creation and the creator.

Now how is that for power?

Shawn of

Be Brave

March 1, 2007 at 4:50 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

With your back against the wall it is time to stand tall. When an opportunity arises say yes, yes, yes. So many times we are given opportunity during what seems to be a do or die situation. It is easy to get enveloped in fear, remorse and regret if in this instant we remember a time we failed…a time with similarities with the present moment.

It is at this moment that we can jump the rails and split off into another direction if only we make a choice congruent with our true nature. Say yes and dare to dream big in the moments that create a fearful reaction. It is your spirit screaming out loud that a new life exists and you are on the threshold of a major breakthrough. The scream is a rally cry and the very angels in Heaven chime in with their wings outstretched and with clear voices rejoice in the power of this moment.

Say yes and commit one hundred percent to the choice you have made and allow the power of the present moment fill you with the energy you need to bring your dreams to fruition.

Shawn of Hypno-Freedom

Fire: A Metaphor For Wealth Building

February 19, 2007 at 5:54 am | Posted in Journal Entry | 2 Comments

Whosoever has attempted in his life to build a fire under the watchful eye of nature (i.e. not in a fire place) has in my opinion all the tools and temperament with which to build extraordinary wealth.

Imagine the times you have set out to build a fire at a campsite. Were the conditions perfect? Rarely are the conditions perfect for such an endeavor. And rarely does the world present opportunity for wealth building in a manner other than one requiring patience, hard work and a little bit of luck and skill.

Do you remember now the task of building that fire? Did you have all the necessary tools? There are tools one needs in the forests of this world and the jungles of this culture. Tools are needed to start and maintain a fire and to begin the upward spiral toward wealth. Axes, saws, matches, books (not to burn!), knowledge and mentors all are necessary to achieve the goals of warmth, safety and peace of mind.

Let’s build a fire. I am a dreamer and idealist and have decided to throw some downright massive logs into our fire pit. Try and try as I might I will have created much smoke but little fire. Now I am the type of person who will give all my energy in short bursts and soon lose track because of the greener grass on the other side. So I put lots and lots of dry grass and flammable kindling and watch as my fire by all outward appearances looks like a genius created it. But wait just a minute and see the fire diminish and my enthusiasm return to the dream state. Not a good way to create a fire or wealth.

Now let us build a fire properly, patiently and with the expertise of those who have come before us. We must gather some wood, a metaphor for the energy and effort required to get our fire of wealth burning. In order to build a fire that will become the foundation of our warmth building efforts, (a metaphor for income) we need some kindling. Next we need some slightly larger sticks and finally some logs. In order to build fire or wealth one step must come before the next or the flames will never grow. We grow each stage in increments each calculated to set the next level ablaze. We must begin growing wealth with some tools and knowledge using baby steps like kindling to get the ball rolling. Next we must put on some bigger branches to keep the fire growing. This step is like putting several key action steps together to create a deal. The final step when the fire is still growing will work only if the first goals have been attained. In this final step of wealth building we use the resources, the heat and energy, of the first steps to create residual wealth and heat. When we’ve attained this third degree the fire takes on a life of its own. Now there is little left to do but sit back and enjoy the heat of our efforts and the residual income we have created to sustain us through the long winter of our lives.

Shawn of Hypno-Freedom

Breathe In The Face Of Fear

February 15, 2007 at 5:26 am | Posted in Journal Entry | Leave a comment

Do you know how to breathe properly?

In my travels day to day I notice that the majority of people I meet do not breathe with intention and ease. The labored breathing patterns of humans I have witnessed are not an isolated and random event. At the time of this awakening one knows such disconnection from our breath to be a phenomenon in an alarming pandemic pattern. The world at large seems to be holding our collective breath as if before some spiritual plunge.

Only recently have many of you begun to notice this among our Earth brothers and sisters. You may also know, as awareness of seemingly new trends and human nuances comes individually to the forefront of thought, that the event is not something entirely new. One becomes with the awareness fully engrossed with the idea that thousands of years has the human family been holding our collective breath in deep spiritual slumber.

What can we do about this? What are the repercussions of such a “fall”? How is the world we know been influenced and forged by the unintentional dreams of unconscious denizens? And why have the answers and truth been omitted and erased for so long when cooperation not slavery is our highest goal?

We could spend a lifetime pondering and acting out conspiracy in our mind for purposes no other than justice in hindsight; or we could take the reigns for a new truth: That inside us is the power and presence of fearless and infinite co-creative ability.

Marianne Williamson wrote a beautiful truth that when understood is the simplest explanation for such a history of somnambulation and causes us to fully comprehend the urgency and necessity of this awakening. “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us”. How succinct and profoundly inherent is this truth. The time for blame and finger pointing is representative of an outmoded consciousness that we find daily does not work toward our blossoming. What once was a recurring nightmare is no longer. What is the old makes now its way for the new and exciting world of collective human consciousness.

Now is the time for a follow-up question: Do you know how to breathe properly? If one watches one’s breathing patterns and patiently discerns the source, the frequency and depth, myriad conclusions one will arrive at regarding ones own level of present sleep. There is a trick here. If we were to discover we are holding our breath it is at this moment an awakening occurs and spiritual lethargy dissipates. In this moment fear, excessive thought, doubt and an entire host of lackluster emotions and self inflicted fetters all become irrelevant and melt away in a fragrant flowering.

In short one of the most profound spiritual practices and human obligations to oneself, one’s community and this Earth family is to become aware of our breath in every wakeful moment.

In the moments that an individual begins to shine many things can happen. Always there is a response from the Earth and our fellow humans in reaction to such a spiritual solar flare.

The Earth of course reacts ever as the flawless and unconditional lover; patient and wise and most of all non-judgmental and infinitely supportive.

The man next door, next tribe, next sect, cult, next set of beliefs is often violently opposed to the light of truth we shine. This is merely more of the old ways clinging to fear, greed and control and has no particular hold upon the choice we must make now to regain spiritual sovereignty.

What we must do despite such opposition and unbelief in oneness is to uphold the breath and face the fear head-on. With continued micro awakenings and increased awareness of the quality and consistency of our smooth and relaxed breathing pattern, a tipping point will be reached and the Earth will one day become the beacon of peace and prosperous abundant enlightenment for which we are destined. A web of quality constructed by heart felt communication, acceptance and compassion is now being woven. Differences will no longer divide only serve to strengthen this beautiful bond. Now is the time to face all fears and breathe this life energy back into this human body.

You have the love, the support, the guidance and all the tools you need to make the leap of faith. Do it now without hesitation and I will meet you here with open arms. Let us rejoice and peace be with us.

Love long and prosper,

Shawn of

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