Depression Vs. Centeredness

August 13, 2007 at 6:39 am | Posted in Articles | Leave a comment

What is depression? What is fear? Fear and depression are feelings that represent the difference between where you are and where you want to be. So how do we allow well being when what we want is different than that which our world has taught us to expect? When we say we want a thing and in our awakened hours talk and think of the absence of the thing we tear ourselves emotionally asunder and disallow it’s coming. Instead if we breathe fully and close our eyes while seeking a little better feeling thought delicious feelings wash over us from crown to sole. Now we are connected fully and saying powerfully yes to wellness and joy. Feelings of fear and depression then are overtly and joyfully supplanted by your powerful connection to the source energy causing you to desire a better world. The creation of a better world is now as simple as you picking the best feeling thought in each moment.

What we focus on will cause the law of attraction to yield similar if not exact results in our lives. These results are called by many “truths”. So if we seek now to focus on achieving a different result (i.e. better health, more wealth, greater peace) then a different truth will come. You see there is no truth but the one we seek.

Know that you are worthy down to your very core. Here your emotions are the result of your choice to focus on what you want rather than what people call truth. What is the truth of a cancer survivor, the truth of the great athlete, someone in touch with inner knowing that purity exists as the basis of this life. The “truth” is never set in some stone of destiny and if it were we would have no free will and this is no such universe. If the truth is set anywhere it is on your own deserved crown and within the heart of you. So reach with the thoughts, dreams and visions to the future and allow your inner guide, your gut feelings and fun thoughts to influence your actions. You are safe and secure and happy moving outward from a powerful center. Your birthright is all dreams and desires fulfilled.

Shawn of

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